People of KDE – Mario Fux

Remember People behind KDE? It was an interview series with members of  the community. I always enjoyed reading it because it showed, that KDE is software produced by dedicated and enthusiastic people and that it is possible to become one of them. So eventually I did.

I have to do some interviews for an anthropology class this year and I decided to take the chance and revitalize the series. Instead of written interviews I will do video sessions. The idea is to have two parts. One is about the person and the other one is about a topic that is related to that person. KDE is no longer the product, but the name for the community so I decided to rename the series as well.

Let me present to you:

People of KDE – Episode 0

This is my very first interview. I will try to improve over time and I need your help for this.

  • was it interesting to you?
  • how do you like the format? Is 35~ minutes a good length for you?
  • how is the quality of the video/audio?
  • anything else that I can improve or that you wish I had done differently?

Thanks for watching.
And consider donationg for the Randa Meeting.

3 responses to “People of KDE – Mario Fux

  1. Heller


    Nice idea to ressurect these interviewes 🙂 Maybe it’s a bit too long to keep watchers until the end but it look overall pretty good

  2. I already provided my feedback, but for the record:
    The interview is very interesting in general!
    I agree with Heller that 35min might be a bit too long and would suggest to split it into one video on the personal part and one on the topic part.

  3. rharish

    Reblogged this on The Enigma.

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